Message from the Board
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for working with us as we settle into our new roles and responsibilities as your Board of Directors for Ashlyn Creek. It has been a pleasure getting to know many of you.
As many of you know, we are now actively working with our new property management company, CSI Properties and beginning to take over fully from Niblock Homes. This shift in responsibilities will not only help us in our efforts to govern the compliance of our CCRs more efficiently it will also help us to communicate with you more effectively.
Having said that, you may have noticed that there have been more compliance notifications going out as of late. Compliance notices are simply notifications sent via mail to a resident when a resident does not comply with the approved CCRs. Compliance issues can be reported by CSI Properties, the Board of Directors or by a resident.
These notifications can sometimes overlap or may be sent out after the compliance issue has already been addressed. If you receive a notification, simply respond within the noted time so we can notate your file or communicate with you regarding the violation.
As we work to ensure our community stays beautiful, neighbors stay neighborly, common areas remain tidy and your property values are upheld, we appreciate your cooperation and compliance with our CCRs.
Also, in an effort to better communicate with our residents, we will now be regularly posting on Facebook, sending emails to residents, and on our website.
We encourage any of you who have questions or concerns regarding the compliance of our CCRs, common area maintenance issues, or questions for the board, please feel free to email or private message your president Kevin Stoeckert via Facebook. One of us will gladly stop by to answer your question, or issue.
We hope for open and honest feedback and dialogue with our community and look forward to serving you in the future.
Thank you again for your cooperation.
~ Ashlyn Creek Board of Directors